Hatts Travel
Saturday 10 August 2013 - 11.00AM
Viewing Friday 09, 9AM - Friday 09, 4PM
Westend, Foxham, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 4NB

A Foreword....
"Following the acquisition of 3 coach companies since 2008 and variations to the school and local authority contracts operated by the Company, Hatts Coaches finds itself with an imbalance of coaches and buses. From a fleet of 104 vehicles, Hatts are now looking to sell over 20 vehicles in order to reinvest in a fleet more appropriate to its current customer profile. There is a choice of quality used vehicles ranging from service buses and school contract vehicles to touring coaches. They were registered between 1996 - 2008 and are representatives of range of manufacturers including Volvo, Man, DAF, Iveco, Ford, Mercedes, and Dennis. There will also be a selection of plant and tools now surplus to requirements"
Please contact Charlie Foyle, Graham Johnson or Debbie Ormerod for further details.
01630 674326 or Fax 01630 674356, auctions@malcolmharrison.co.uk