Prees September Plant
and Truck Auction
Saturday 09 September 2017 - 10.00AM
Viewing Friday 08, 9AM - Friday 08, 4PM
Prees Storage Ltd, Hangar 3, A49, Whitchurch, Shrops, SY13 3JX

Order of Sale
10am Skips & Big Hook Bodies
Followed by Trailer Section
11am Skip & Hook Loaders
Followed by Tippers & Misc Rigids
12 Noon Construction Plant & Recycling Equipment
To Include 50+ Forklifts - Ex Davison Forklifts (West Mids) Due to Fleet Renewal Programme
Followed By Buckets & Attachments
2nd Auctioneer - 11am Prompt - Engines followed by The Shed - Tools & Equipment