The North Midlands Spring
Plant & Truck Auction
Saturday 09 February 2013 - 10.00AM
Viewing Friday 08, 9AM - Friday 08, 4PM
Prees Storage Ltd, A49, Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 3JX

Equipment from Plant Contractors, Builders & Hauliers
Mainly End of Contracts & Fleet Renewal Programmes
Order of Sale:
10am - Skips & Big Hook Bodies
Followed by Skip/Hook Loaders/Tippers/Misc Rigids
12 Noon - Tractor Units
Followed by Trailer Section
1pm - Construction, Plant & Recycling Equipment
Followed by Buckets & Attachments
PLUS - 12 noon with 2nd Auctioneer
500 lots of Garage & Builders Tools & Equipment
Please contact Charlie Foyle, Graham Johnson or Debbie Ormerod for further details.
01630 674326 or Fax 01630 674356,